Category Archives: IT Strategy

NIST Cybersecurity Framework

A cybersecurity framework is a system of standards, guidelines, and best practices to manage cyber risks.  The three most popular cybersecurity framework are:

  • The US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Framework for Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity (NIST CSF)
  • The Center for Internet Security Critical Security Controls (CIS)
  • The International Standards Organization (ISO) frameworks ISO/IEC 27001 and 27002.

NIST cybersecurity framework is intended to be used to protect any organization’s infrastructure from cyberattacks. The framework’s core is a list of cybersecurity functions that follow the basic pattern of cyber defense: identify, protect, detect, respond, and recover. The framework provides an organized mechanism for identifying risks and assets that require protection.


The Identify Function assists in developing an organizational understanding to managing cybersecurity risk to systems, people, assets, data, and capabilities. Understanding the business context, the resources that support critical functions, and the related cybersecurity risks enables an organization to focus and prioritize its efforts, consistent with its risk management strategy and business needs.
Examples of outcome Categories within this Function include:

  • Identifying physical and software assets within the organization to establish the basis of an Asset Management program
  • Identifying the Business Environment the organization supports including the organization’s role in the supply chain, and the organizations place in the critical infrastructure sector
  • Identifying cybersecurity policies established within the organization to define the Governance program as well as identifying legal and regulatory requirements regarding the cybersecurity capabilities of the organization
  • Identifying asset vulnerabilities, threats to internal and external organizational resources, and risk response activities as a basis for the organizations Risk Assessment
  • Identifying a Risk Management Strategy for the organization including establishing risk tolerances
  • Identifying a Supply Chain Risk Management strategy including priorities, constraints, risk tolerances, and assumptions used to support risk decisions associated with managing supply chain risks


The Protect Function outlines appropriate safeguards to ensure delivery of critical infrastructure services. The Protect Function supports the ability to limit or contain the impact of a potential cybersecurity event.
Examples of outcome Categories within this Function include:

  • Protections for Identity Management and Access Control within the organization including physical and remote access
  • Empowering staff within the organization through Awareness and Training including role based and privileged user training
  • Establishing Data Security protection consistent with the organization’s risk strategy to protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information
  • Implementing Information Protection Processes and Procedures to maintain and manage the protections of information systems and assets
  • Protecting organizational resources through Maintenance, including remote maintenance, activities
  • Managing Protective Technology to ensure the security and resilience of systems and assets are consistent with organizational policies, procedures, and agreements


The Detect Function defines the appropriate activities to identify the occurrence of a cybersecurity event. The Detect Function enables timely discovery of cybersecurity events.
Examples of outcome Categories within this Function include:

  • Ensuring Anomalies and Events are detected, and their potential impact is understood
  • Implementing Security Continuous Monitoring capabilities to monitor cybersecurity events and verify the effectiveness of protective measures including network and physical activities
  • Maintaining Detection Processes to provide awareness of anomalous events


The Respond Function includes appropriate activities to take action regarding a detected cybersecurity incident. The Respond Function supports the ability to contain the impact of a potential cybersecurity incident.
Examples of outcome Categories within this Function include:

  • Ensuring Response Planning process are executed during and after an incident
  • Managing Communications during and after an event with stakeholders, law enforcement, external stakeholders as appropriate
  • Analysis is conducted to ensure effective response and support recovery activities including forensic analysis, and determining the impact of incidents
  • Mitigation activities are performed to prevent expansion of an event and to resolve the incident
  • The organization implements Improvements by incorporating lessons learned from current and previous detection / response activities


 The Recover Function identifies appropriate activities to maintain plans for resilience and to restore any capabilities or services that were impaired due to a cybersecurity incident. The Recover Function supports timely recovery to normal operations to reduce the impact from a cybersecurity incident.
Examples of outcome Categories within this Function include:

  • Ensuring the organization implements Recovery Planning processes and procedures to restore systems and/or assets affected by cybersecurity incidents
  • Implementing Improvements based on lessons learned and reviews of existing strategies
  • Internal and external Communications are coordinated during and following the recovery from a cybersecurity incident


Cyberthreat Defense Report 2021

CyberEdge Group has been conducting yearly surveys to IT security professionals all over the world. The latest one – 2021 Cyberthreat Defense Report – is a comprehensive review of the perceptions of 1,200 IT security professionals representing 17 countries and 19 industries.

The report has become a staple among security leaders and practitioners, helping them gauge their internal practices and security investments against those of their peers across different countries and industries.

Here are the key insights from the 2021 report:

  • A record 86% of organizations suffered from a successful cyberattack last year
  • A record 69% of organizations were compromised by ransomware
  • 57% of ransomware victims paid ransoms last year, but one-quarter (28%) of them failed to recover their data
  • Low employee awareness and lack of skilled personnel inhibit IT security’s success
  • 87% of organizations are experiencing a shortfall of skilled IT security personnel
  • The typical enterprise IT security budget increased 4% last year, but the rate of budget growth slowed for the first time in years
  • Four out of five respondents prefer security products that feature machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) technology
  • The percentage of IT security applications and services are delivered from the cloud climbed from 36% to 41%

The report can be downloaded from the ISC2 site:–ISC2-Edition.ashx

Source: 2021 Cyberthreat Defense Report, CyberEdge Group, LLC.

Updated CIS Controls Version 8

One of the most adopted security frameworks is the CIS Controls (formerly known as Critical Security Controls). It has been updated in May of 2021 to keep up with the ever changing cybersecurity landscape. CIS Controls are a prioritized set of safeguards to mitigate the most prevalent cyber-attacks against systems and networks. They are recommended set of actions for cyber defense that provide specific and actionable ways to stop today’s most pervasive and dangerous attacks. Compared to the other security frameworks such as the NIST CSF (Cybersecurity Framework), CIS Controls are more prescriptive.

CIS Controls v8 has been enhanced to keep up with modern systems and software. Movement to cloud-based computing, virtualization, mobility, outsourcing, work-from-home, and changing attacker tactics prompted the update and supports an enterprise’s security as they move to both fully cloud and hybrid environments.

Here are the updated 18 CIS Controls:

  1. Inventory and Control of Enterprise Assets – Actively manage (inventory, track, and correct) all enterprise assets (end-user devices, including portable and mobile; network devices; non-computing/Internet of Things (IoT) devices; and servers) connected to the infrastructure physically, virtually, remotely, and those within cloud environments, to accurately know the totality of assets that need to be monitored and protected within the enterprise. This will also support identifying unauthorized and unmanaged assets to remove or remediate.
  2. Inventory and Control of Software Assets – Actively manage (inventory, track, and correct) all software (operating systems and applications) on the network so that only authorized software is installed and can execute, and that unauthorized and unmanaged software is found and prevented from installation or execution.
  3. Data Protection – Develop processes and technical controls to identify, classify, securely handle, retain, and dispose of data.
  4. Secure Configuration of Enterprise Assets and Software – Establish and maintain the secure configuration of enterprise assets (end-user devices, including portable and mobile; network devices; non-computing/IoT devices; and servers) and software (operating systems and applications).
  5. Account Management – Use processes and tools to assign and manage authorization to credentials for user accounts, including administrator accounts, as well as service accounts, to enterprise assets and software.
  6. Access Control Management – Use processes and tools to create, assign, manage, and revoke access credentials and privileges for user, administrator, and service accounts for enterprise assets and software.
  7. Continuous Vulnerability Management – Develop a plan to continuously assess and track vulnerabilities on all enterprise assets within the enterprise’s infrastructure, in order to remediate, and minimize, the window of opportunity for attackers. Monitor public and private industry sources for new threat and vulnerability information.
  8. Audit Log Management – Collect, alert, review, and retain audit logs of events that could help detect, understand, or recover from an attack.
  9. Email and Web Browser Protections – Improve protections and detections of threats from email and web vectors, as these are opportunities for attackers to manipulate human behavior through direct engagement.
  10. Malware Defenses – Prevent or control the installation, spread, and execution of malicious applications, code, or scripts on enterprise assets.
  11. Data Recovery – Establish and maintain data recovery practices sufficient to restore in-scope enterprise assets to a pre-incident and trusted state.
  12. Network Infrastructure Management – Establish, implement, and actively manage (track, report, correct) network devices, in order to prevent attackers from exploiting vulnerable network services and access points.
  13. Network Monitoring and Defense – Operate processes and tooling to establish and maintain comprehensive network monitoring and defense against security threats across the enterprise’s network infrastructure and user base.
  14. Security Awareness and Skills Training – Establish and maintain a security awareness program to influence behavior among the workforce to be security conscious and properly skilled to reduce cybersecurity risks to the enterprise.
  15. Service Provider Management – Develop a process to evaluate service providers who hold sensitive data, or are responsible for an enterprise’s critical IT platforms or processes, to ensure these providers are protecting those platforms and data appropriately.
  16. Application Software Security – Manage the security life cycle of in-house developed, hosted, or acquired software to prevent, detect, and remediate security weaknesses before they can impact the enterprise.
  17. Incident Response and Management – Establish a program to develop and maintain an incident response capability (e.g., policies, plans, procedures, defined roles, training, and communications) to prepare, detect, and quickly respond to an attack.
  18. Penetration Testing – Test the effectiveness and resiliency of enterprise assets through identifying and exploiting weaknesses in controls (people, processes, and technology), and simulating the objectives and actions of an attacker.


Partnering with the Business to Improve Your Company’s Security

The string of high profile ransomware attacks on major companies has led executives and boards to take security seriously. In the past, spending money on security is a hard sell and security folks often resort to using the FUD factor (fear, uncertainty and doubt) to implement security projects. Now, they are realizing the importance of security to avoid major disruptions and keep the business going.

For security folks, this is the best time to forge the partnership with the business. You should define strategic directions for both the business and security. Map out a high high-level path to get from current to future objectives as well as identify organizational
roadblocks, standards/policy challenges, and business goals. This is not a one and done thing. Continue to collaborate and have an ongoing discussion to maintain the relationship and to determine if things have changed such as new strategies.

Security folks must understand the business value. Work closely with them to strike the appropriate balance for risk acceptance, and make sure the risk is stated in the context of business objectives.

While you have the attention of the business, do not squander this opportunity.

Safeguarding Against Ransomware

The latest ransomware attack on Colonial Pipeline that resulted in the company shutting down its gas pipeline and causing fuel shortages throughout the southeastern United States underscored the importance of securing and protecting your IT infrastructure. Hackers are increasingly attacking critical infrastructure, hospitals, local government, school systems, industrial companies, etc. and and these attacks are becoming a national security, public, and safety threat. Most of these companies are ill prepared for cyber attacks. Last month, the Massachusetts vehicle inspection system was down for a couple of weeks due to ransomware attack.

Ransomware infects your system by encrypting your important files, and the attackers then ask for ransom to decrypt your data in order to become operational again. Sometimes they also threaten to release hacked documents to the public unless the ransom is paid.

Ransomware has been around for the past several years, but the explosion of cryptocurrencies, in which transactions are difficult to trace, is the main reason for the increasing ransomware attacks. Moreover, these cyber extortionists are usually from other countries which is hard for governments to prosecute.

To protect your systems, you must have a comprehensive cyber security program. You should always employ a defense-in-depth approach in which defensive mechanisms are layered to protect your systems, data and applications. If one mechanism fails, another protection layer may thwart the attack. The following basic security measures should also be in place:

  1. Requiring multifactor authentication (MFA) for employees logging onto systems. Users are usually the weakest link as they are easily tricked or socially engineered to give information or click on a malware site enabling the ransomware to penetrate the system. MFA may thwart attackers who got a hold of your credentials by using a second method of authentication.
  2. Patching vulnerabilities promptly on your network devices, servers, appliances, databases and applications, especially the critical ones. You should also work closely with your IT vendor or service provider in regularly reviewing vulnerabilities on their software or services.
  3. Hardening your devices, operating systems and software such as replacing default passwords and turning off unneeded services. If your company also develops programs in-house, you should also enable secure software development.
  4. Segmenting networks by erecting firewalls between them and only allowing traffic that are really necessary.
  5. Keeping backups of your servers and data, and sending a second backup copy off line (using tapes), or via air-gapped second copy (see my blog on data backup security)
  6. Testing your disaster recovery or cybersecurity plan periodically to that ensure they work.

Having a comprehensive cybersecurity plan is necessary for your business to withstand attack in order to stay in business.

Effective Incident Response and Management

Cyber attacks are all too common these days. They are getting faster, more frequent and more sophisticated. Companies should be prepared when these inevitable attacks occur. One of the critical security controls to mitigate and lower this risk is to have an effective incident response and management program.

The goal of the incident response and management program is to successfully detect, understand, manage, investigate, and recover from the breach in the shortest amount of time possible. Not having an effective program:

  • may damage company reputation, lose money, customers, and competitive advantage, or incur hefty fines
  • may take several weeks or months to detect the breach
  • maybe too late for the company to develop procedures, data collection, legal protocols, and communications strategy when a breach occurs
  • may lead to panic mode leading to more damage, infecting more systems and losing more data.

An effective incident management plan should:

  • determine and document the scope of the breach (such as systems and data impacted, department impacted, magnitude of impact, and severity)
  • collect forensic evidence from log data, security tools, disk images, security video, etc.
  • perform root cause analysis (RCA)
  • return to secure state by remediation or mitigation
  • gather threat intelligence to improve defense, deploy security solutions, and detect malicious behaviors

There are several processes for an effective incident response: Preparation Process -> Detection Process -> Analysis Process -> Notification Process -> Remediation or Mitigation Process

What to do in the preparation process:

  1. Understand your environment and the threats to it
  2. Define roles and responsibilities and contact information
  3. Gather third-party contact information to be used to report a security incident, such as Law Enforcement, relevant government departments, vendors, etc.
  4. Plan how to respond and identify key partners, data sources and technologies
  5. Practice just like a Disaster Recovery (DR) test
  6. Continually review and refine the plan as the environment changes

What to do during detection process:

  1. Assess threats by gaining visibility to any active threats
  2. Define reporting outlet and encourage end user reporting
  3. Use technology to detect attack
  4. Contain damages by stopping the attack and recovering the affected endpoints

What to do during analysis process:

  1. Determine the impact and scope of the breach
  2. Protect and preserve the forensic evidence for investigation and root cause analysis
  3. Perform any remediation

What to do during notification process:

  1. Communicate diligently to upper management, internal stakeholders, or end users
  2. If the breach has to be communicated externally (e.g. to customers, law enforcement, etc.), involve the legal team and use your defined communication strategy.

What to do during remediation or mitigation process:

  1. Implement temporary measures
  2. Coordinate with stakeholders
  3. Document changes
  4. Secure defenses

An effective incident response program is a well documented plan (consisting of people, processes, and technologies) that is up to date and highly tailored to the need of the company.

IoT Security

The Internet of Things, or IoT, refers to the billions of physical devices around the world that are now connected to the Internet. These include surveillance cameras, lightbulbs, medical devices, pacemakers, smartphones, home routers, thermostats, printers, control systems and pretty much any device that is connected to the Internet, all collecting and sharing data. They have sensors that detect states or movement of equipment or materials and the data acquired by the sensors are transmitted over the network to a server. Location information can be derived as well.

The explosion of IoT devices has also increased cyberattacks on them. Hackers probe and access them via http, ftp or telnet ports to check what kind of devices they are. They also check for backdoor ports. Then they gain access by logging in via telnet (the common one, although they may also use other vulnerable ports) using default or weak username and password, and sometimes using dictionary attack. Once they gain access, they will install malware. Once malware is installed, the device will be under control of the hacker’s server, and is then used for further cyberattacks.

Hackers usually control hundreds of thousands of IoT devices all around the world that are used for DDoS (Distributed Denial-of-Service) attacks. These DDoS attacks can cause significant impact to companies being targeted.

IoT devices are specially vulnerable because they are usually online 24/7, they don’t have security or anti-virus protection, they have weak/default login password and they have global IP addresses. Security is an afterthought of the manufacturers of these devices.

To mitigate IoT security vulnerabilities, there should be an active monitoring and alerting system that notify users when their IoT devices are vulnerable, so they can take appropriate action. Technology solutions must be established to remotely detoxify IoT malware while the original IoT functions can continue to operate. There should also be a way to remotely disable IoT device.

Companies should have a strict security controls for connecting IoT devices in their network.

Finally, the industry should develop IoT security guidelines for IoT device maker/developer, IoT service provider, and IoT device user, as well as promote international standardization.

The Need for Using MFA in IT Infrastructure Devices

Multi Factor Authentication or MFA should be understood by now (hopefully) and should be widely used and implemented.

What is MFA? MFA is a simple best practice that adds an extra layer of protection on top of your user name and password. With MFA, when you sign in to a website or device, you will be prompted for your user name and password (the first factor — what you know), as well as for an authentication response from your MFA device (the second factor — what you have) such as a text message to your mobile device, or a string of numbers from an authenticator app (such as Google Authenticator). Taken together, these multiple factors provide increased security for your account settings and resources.

Most financial sites and apps, for instance, have been using MFA for years to protect your money.

In corporate settings, many breaches and cyberattacks are due to hackers gaining unauthorized access using accounts that are not properly protected. These accounts use simple and guessable passwords (Pasword123), factory default passwords, passwords written on sticky notes, passwords derived from social media profile (such as birthday or pet name), and passwords derived from social engineering and phishing attacks. Using multi factor authentication will lessen the risk of hackers gaining access to your corporate network.

However a lot of IT infrastructure devices do not use MFA. Privileged accounts on network routers, switches, application servers, database servers, hypervisors, storage and backup devices, etc. should use MFA to strengthen their security. Manufacturers should make it easy to configure MFA on these devices.

Creating a Cybersecurity Culture for your Organization

As more and more organizations are becoming digital, accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic, it is imperative for businesses to build a culture of cybersecurity. This enables them to be more resilient in the face of growing cyber attacks.

Many of these organizations, especially in the manufacturing sectors, have developed a robust safety culture where every employee is trained, knowledgable, and constantly reminded of ways to stay safe and decrease the chance of accidents. But when it comes to cybersecurity, most organizations do not have a similar culture of security.

Just like building a safety culture, building a cybersecurity culture is a big undertaking and usually takes time. It involves transforming processes, changing mindset, getting support from leadership all the way to the top, and changing the way every employee works.

Many companies think that technology alone will solve cybersecurity problems. They rely on the IT department and in some cases on the security office – if one exists – to mitigate security issues. But the goal of every orgainization should be that everyone must feel personally responsible for keeping the company secure.

Building a culture of cybersecurity involves everyone’s attitudes, beliefs and values that will drive behaviors that will lead to better actions such as not clicking a link on a phishing email or not visiting an unknown website. At the heart of a culture of cybersecurity is getting every employee to execute their day-to-day activities in ways that keep the organization as secure as possible.

For more information on this topic and to gain insights on how to build a culture of cybersecurity, visit the MIT CAMS website at

The Importance of Securing Your Company’s Intellectual Property

In the wake of the massive Solarwinds attack affecting major government institutions and public/private companies, the importance of securing your company’s Intellectual Property (IP) has never been more critical.

Companies should be worried that their valuable data, trade secrets, and IP are being stolen by cyber thieves, foreign hackers, and company insiders (current or former employees, partners, trusted customers, distributors, or vendors).  Stolen IP poses a significant threat to a company’s competitive advantage.  A bio-pharmaceutical company, for example, generates a ton of research/clinical data and manufacturing processes that are stored on premise and increasingly on the cloud.

Companies should protect their data.  They should learn the best practices in implementing operational and cyber security measures, instituting policies and processes, and educating end users. They should continually tweak and and re-evaluate their security practices.  They should deploy technologies that are effective in securing their data.

Attacks will only get more sophisticated and their frequency will only increase in the future. It’s better to be prepared than caught off guard.