Top Ten Important Tasks for Toastmasters Club President

I am almost halfway through my term as president of the Toastmasters Club at Abbott Bioresearch, and I am glad to say that I am enjoying the challenge. As president, I set the tone and general direction of the club, and of course I want our club to be successful.

Here are the top ten important tasks of the president, I think, to make the club successful:

1. Together with the board, plan and set goals for the year as soon as your term starts. Aim to be a president’s distinguished club. Plan and schedule events such as regular meetings, membership drive, open houses, speech contests, and officers training.

2. Be a cheerleader at every meeting. Congratulate members on their accomplishments.

3. Open and close meeting with enthusiasm, and announce at every meeting the progress of the club goals.

4. Work closely with the VP of Education in filling out roles and making sure that the educational goals of the members are being met.

5. Work closely with VP of Membership and VP of Public Relations in holding open houses and recruiting new members.

6. Mentor new members. Make sure to guide them at least during their first three speeches.

7. Motivate members to finish their Competent Communicator award as soon as possible. Also, motivate members who do not regularly come to the meeting to participate more. Ask them to sign up for roles so that they will be obligated to attend the meeting.

8. Introduce yourself to guests and greet them enthusiastically.

9. Work closely with the treasurer to make sure dues are paid on time.

10. Be prepared to give speech anytime. Speakers make last minute cancellations and be ready to step up to fill in the speaking role.

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